Indicative of example sentences

If we take analogy of 'level' of coloured water with 'concentration' of reactants and products in the two cylinders, we can say the process of transfer, which continues even after the constancy of level, is indicative of dynamic nature of the process.For example, presence of glucose (Glycosuria) and ketone bodies (Ketonuria) in urine are indicative of diabetes mellitus.If we take analogy of 'level' of coloured water with 'concentration' of reactants and products in the two cylinders, we can say the process of transfer, which continues even after the constancy of level, is indicative of dynamic nature of the process.If we take analogy of 'level' of coloured water with 'concentration' of reactants and products in the two cylinders, we can say the process of transfer, which continues even after the constancy of level, is indicative of dynamic nature of the process.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English